March 11, 2008 Annual Meeting (approved March 14, 2009)
MARCH 11, 2008 ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES The 2008 annual meeting was called to order by Clerk Regena L. Merritt, at the Solway Town Hall at 8:30 p.m. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for township residents who have died this past year. Also present were Treasurer Cindy Moe, Chairperson Scott Welsh and Supervisors Clare R. Stromlund and Ron Gajewski to help answer questions and explain agenda items for tonight’s meeting. There were 15 citizens present. Proctor School Board Member Mike Leiste asked to make a presentation on behalf of the school district. Mr. Leiste spoke of the long range planning and 10 year vision for the school district. He mentioned that the three top priorities for action planning are academic excellence, financial stability, and building family/community relationships. Mr. Leiste gave the dates for the upcoming long range planning meetings and invited anyone who would like to get involved to come to a committee meeting. Clerk Merritt introduced Chairperson Scott Welsh who made the Solway Citizen of the Year Award to Fire Chief Wayne Suliin. The Clerk called for nominations for a moderator for tonight’s meeting. A MOTION was made by Valeria Witte to name Dave Davis as moderator for tonight’s meeting. The motion was seconded by Bonnie Siiro and carried. As there were no other nominations, Dave Davis was named moderator for the meeting. The Clerk called for a five-minute recess to go over the Annual Meeting Agenda with Mr. Davis. The meeting was called back to order at 8:45. Mr. Davis asked for a motion to forego reading out loud the minutes from the 2007 Annual Meeting. A MOTION was made by Frank Siiro to forego reading out loud the March 13, 2007 Annual Meeting minutes. The motion was seconded by Clare Stromlund and carried. A MOTION was made by Joan Gajewski to accept the March 13, 2007 minutes as written and distributed. The motion was seconded by Elaine Lindquist and carried. The Moderator asked for a motion to forego reading out loud the Receipts and Disbursements for 2007. A MOTION was made by Frank Siiro to forego reading out loud the 2007 Receipts and Disbursements. The motion was seconded by Betty Everett and carried. A MOTION was made by Frank Siiro to approve the 2007 Receipts and Disbursements as presented. The motion was seconded by Frank Siiro and carried. Road Report: Township Supervisor Ron Gajewski reported that one of the goals of the town board is to file Road Orders for all township roads. Presently there are road orders on file for 3 of the township roads. Supervisor Gajewski went on to explained that the board has hired Surveyor Norm Livgard to survey, write legal descriptions, create a map, and prepare and file road orders on all township roads. There will be a public hearing or public meeting when the road surveys are completed. The question was asked if having road orders would raise the levy? This would not add to the yearly maintenance of the roads, establishing road orders is administrative. Supervisor Welsh explained that in order for the township to receive state aid we have to levy a certain dollar amount under road fund which in turn raises the levy, but the money comes back to the township in the form of state aid. MOTION by Frank Siiro seconded by Betty Everett and carried to accept the 2007 Road Report as submitted. Fire Department Report: The moderator asked why there was increase in Repair and Maintenance for the Fire Trucks. The Treasurer and Supervisor Gajewski explained that the board has entered into a maintenance contract for the fire trucks that need yearly pump certification and testing. There is no money budgeted for maintenance for the trucks as the maintenance agreement will cover them for the pump testing and maintenance. Fire Chief Suliin reported that the department received two grants this year. The first was a Homeland Security Grant through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program in the amount of $116,650. Monies from this grant were used to purchase new Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Wildland Firefighting clothing, and computer based training materials for firefighting training. The department also received a grant from Lake Country Power that will be used to purchase a new defibrillator to meet the new American Heart Association standards. The department has been awarded another Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $46,550. This grant will be used to purchase new structural firefighter turnout gear and a thermal imaging camera for the fire department. Between these grants the department has brought over $150,000 to the township to purchase and update much needed equipment bringing the department in compliance with many standards for firefighter safety. Fire Chief Wayne Suliin reported that there were a total of seventy-four emergency response calls in 2007. There were no other questions from the electorate. MOTION made by Frank Siiro, seconded by Betty Everett and carried to accept the 2007 Fire Department Report. Recycling Report: Town Clerk reported that the recycling shed attendance was 3501. There were no questions on the Recycling report. MOTION made by Frank Siiro, seconded by Elaine Lindquist and carried to accept the 2007 Recycling Report. Hall Report: Frank Siiro asked what was done with the underground tank that was replaced with inside oil tanks. The board was told that the tank is not leaking. The problem was with the air intake line that goes to the tank. Ron Gajewski also mentioned that the township is looking for someone to clean the hall building on weekends. There were no other questions. MOTION by Frank Siiro, seconded by Betty Everett and carried to accept the Hall Report as submitted. There were no comments on the hall rental rates. Park Report: The moderator asked if there were any questions on the park report. MOTION by Elaine Lindquist seconded by Betty Everett and carried to approve the Park Report. Aggregate Tax Report: There were no questions or comments regarding the Aggregate Tax report. Scott Welsh reported that we should expect to receive between $20,000 and $25,000 yearly from the Aggregate Tax. This is an informational report. General Government Fund Report: The Moderator asked about the private assessor and county assessor budget items. The local assessor is contracted by the township to the property assessing at much less rate than the county would charge. The line item for county assessing is a charge from the county to send out the taxations notices. MOTION by Frank Siiro seconded by Pete Hildre and carried to accept the general report as presented. Proposed Levy: The moderator asked if there are any questions on the proposed levy, hearing none the Motion was made by Frank Siiro seconded by Betty Everett to approve the proposed levy of $273,995.00 for 2009. The motion was and carried. The budget amount is $299,145. In order not to raise the dollar amount of the 2009 levy, the town board will use $25,150 from the Aggregate Tax Fund as property tax relief. The 2009 budget is as follows: Road $65,850 Fire $115,295 Hall $21,100 Park $8,100 General $87,400 Recycling $1,400 Total Budget $299,145 Total Levy $273,995 Other business - Posting and Publishing sites: The moderator asked if there were any questions or changes to the posting and publishing sites. There were none. MOTION by Bonnie Siiro seconded by Elaine Lindquist to not change the publish and posting sites. High School Chem-Free Graduation Party Donation: There are letters from the Proctor Chem-Free Grad Party Committee and The South St. Louis County Fair Board, each asking for a $100.00 donation. Last year the electorate voted to add $300.00 to the levy for donations and $100 each was donated to Proctor Chem-Free Grad party, The South St. Louis County Fair, and The Proctor High DECA program. No request has been received this year from the Proctor DECA program. A MOTION was made by Betty Everett to donate $100 each to Proctor Chem-Free Grad Party, the South St. Louis County Fair Board and the Proctor DECA program. The donation to Proctor DECA will be made only if we receive a request from the program. The motion was seconded by Frank Siiro and carried. Items From the Floor: There were no other comments or concerns from the electorate. A MOTION was made by Elaine Lindquist seconded by Frank Siiro and carried to hold the 2009 election March 10, 2009 noon to 8:00 p.m. and the annual meeting March 10, 2009 at 8:30 pm. The Clerk announced the results of the election as 27 votes for Scott Welsh. There were no write-in votes. A MOTION was made by Joan Gajewski seconded by Frank Siiro and carried to adjourn our meeting at 9:30 P.M. |