May 12, 2009
Chairperson Ron Gajewski called the Regular Solway Town Board Meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Solway Town Hall, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Also present were Supervisor Clare R. Stromlund, Clerk Regena Merritt, Treasurer Cindy Moe, and six concerned citizens. Supervisor Scott Welsh was not in attendance as he was out of town. MOTION made by Stromlund, seconded by Gajewski and carried to approve the minutes from the April 14, 2009 Town Board Meeting. MOTION by Gajewski, seconded by Stromlund and carried to accept the following Treasurer’s report dated April 30, 2009.
INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE: 4/14/09 Township Attorney John Bray - Copy of letter to Country Trucking regarding legal fees the township is billing them. 4/17/09 St. Louis County Land Department - List of tax forfeited land. No board action. 4/20/09 St. Louis County Auditor - Form asking for updated list of Township Officers. The Clerk will fill out the form and return it to the county. 4/27/09 Minnesota Department of Health - Solway Town Hall water report showing no coliform bacteria detected. 4/27/09 Association of City, Townships and School - Meeting notice 5/1/09 DHW Consulting (Don Walsh) -Updated informational brochure regarding the Aggregate Tax. Mr. Walsh also hires out as a aggregate tax consultant. No board action. OUTSTANDING BILLS: The Treasurer has the following list of additional bills. D & S Development in the amount of $138.26 for four padded folding chairs; $100 donation to the St. Louis County Fair Board; $1000.00 from the State of Minnesota for the Solway Fire Department Relief Association; $290.65 to Equipment Specialist for repairs to the John Deere mower attachment. MOTION by Stromlund seconded by Gajewski and carried to pay all outstanding bills. CITIZEN REQUESTS/CONCERNS: a) none ROAD: a) Chairperson Gajewski explained the results from the township road inspection. MOTION by Gajewski seconded by Stromlund and carried to do the work as proposed from the April 24, 2009 road inspection. The board received gravel quotes from Shelton Excavating in the amount of $14.90 per yard and from Jim Lindquist in the amount of $15.10 per yard. MOTION by Gajewski seconded by Stromlund and carried to purchase the gravel from Shelton Excavating in the amount of $14.90 per yard delivered. One project is to extend the end of the Tondryk Road to the of the township western line at the right of way. Jim Lindquist will complete this. b) Supervisor Gajewski reported that the culvert at Mr. David Larson’s driveway has caved in at one spot. This culvert needs to be replaced and as it is in the townships right of way it is township policy to provide replacement. MOTION by Gajewski seconded by Stromlund and carried to replace the culvert at the driveway to the David Larson property on the Van Gassler Road. c) Chairperson Gajewski obtained a quote from Les Dougherty to brush approximately 600-feet of the North Van Gassler Road. The quote for brush cutting and disposal is $2,950.00; Grubbing and ditching and disposal is $3,550.00. The board discussed that this dollar amount is more that the board can spend on this section of road. MOTION by Stromlund seconded by Gajewski and carried to not have Mr. Dougherty do the brushing on the North Van Gassler Road as this is too much money to put into this stretch of road. The board decided to have this brushing done by township personnel. d) Chairperson Gajewski reported that he has heard from St. Louis County Commissioner Peg Sweeney that Morris Thomas Road will be rebuilt to ten-ton standards to the Minnesota Power sub station. Minnesota Power requested this rebuild to accommodate their trucks and will pay for one half of the cost. THe rest o Morris Thomas Road west to the Canosia Road will be re-claimed and re-paved in 2012. FIRE: a) Fire Chief Wayne Suliin reported that truck #2 has problems with the rear brakes and the steering gear needs to be replaced. Jim Johnson can get a remanufactured steering gear for $725.64 and will install it free of charge. It was mentioned that the king pins on #2 need to be replaced, but Jim Johnson feels that this is a minor problem. The cost of the king pins is $225.59. Chief Suliin would like to get truck #2 put in service for minimal use as a tanker. He estimates it will cost $1013.06 for both the steering gear and king pins. MOTION by Stromlund seconded by Gajewski and carried to spend $1,500 to fix fire truck #2 to put it back in service. Chief reported 23 calls year to date. There were 4 calls the month of April. Two were vehicle accidents, one grass fire and one medical call. Two of the calls were mutual aide to other departments. The department has trained two new firefighters. The state is requiring Firefighter II for all firefighters. The department has all the materials for firefighter II training and can hopefully do this training in house. Chief Suliin is asking the state to allow the in house training and also the certification test to be done on the fire department computer. b) Chief Suliin is submitting a FEMA grant to replace tanker #2. The board and the department discussed different types of trucks and what the department is looking for in a new truck. Chief Suliin will be applying for a grant in the amount of $250,000 of which the township will pay the 5% match. The equipment grant is for stabilizing bags to use on the scene of a vehicle accident to roll a vehicle off a pinned victim and other equipment in the amount of $40,000 – $50,000. c) Truck #2 repairs were discussed under a). d) Chief Suliin reported that Engine #1 was picked up this past week by Steve Adamski’s and taken to his shop in Ashland for the planned repairs. RECYCLING: a) Jim Miller reported that he has been asked if the Township plans to hold another non-recyclables collection day. The board will discuss another collection day at an upcoming meeting. HALL: a) Pete Hildre has completed construction of the downstairs kitchen cabinets. Mr. Hildre would like to get paid tonight for this portion of his work remodeling the kitchen. MOTION by Gajewski, seconded by Stromlund and carried to pay $1,200 to Wood Expressions for the downstairs kitchen cabinets. b) Treasurer Moe brought to the hall one of the sample padded chairs the Town Board had ordered last month. The board ordered four to see if they will work out before ordering enough for the upstairs of the hall. The board likes the chair and would like to order 96 more. MOTION by Stromlund, seconded by Gajewski and carried to order 96 more chairs the same as the one Treasurer Moe brought to the meeting. c) Supervisor Stromlund mentioned that it was a “packed house” last Saturday for the Country Music Show with at least 100 people attending. d) It was reported to the clerk that one of the circuit breakers for the kitchen popped. Chairperson Gajewski explained that there is one coffee pot that will flip the circuit breaker when it is plugged into the new outlets installed on the north wall in the kitchen. This pot has to be plugged into one of the other outlets. PARK: a) Supervisor Gajewski completed a park report that was reviewed by the board. Pete Hildre will be able to fix the baseball backstop poles by priming with a “rust stop” type of paint and then painting with aluminum paint. Mr. Hildre will give us a quote for the next Town Board meeting. b) The John Deere mowing deck has been repaired. John Childers reported that the John Deere needs to be taken to Duluth Lawn and Sport for scheduled maintenance. MOTION by Stromlund seconded by Gajewski and carried to have John Childers and Leon Forstrom bring the John Deere tractor to Duluth Lawn and Sport for maintenance. c) Chairperson Gajewski mentioned that the lighted Solway Township sign on the corner of Hwy 2 and Munger Shaw Roads had lifted up due to frost. Jim Lindquist will see if he can push the posts down, if not Chairperson Gajewski will call Todd Signs to find out what can be done. CEMETERY: a) John and Veronica Childers, and Leon Forstrom have been preparing the cemetery for Memorial Day. b) Chairperson Gajewski completed a cemetery inspection along with the monthly playground inspection. No safety hazards were found. c) Two burials: Lila Manrud and Bonnie Fremlilng. COMMITTEES: a) Nothing to report. OLD BUSINESS: a) Country Trucking and Excavating has paid $50 toward the $250 the town board has charged them for legal fees. They have promised to pay the other $200 by the end of May. b) Midway Township Supervisor Jim Aird was elected to the WLSSD Board. Solway Town Board has two votes on this board and did vote for Jim at this election. c) The Zoning change requested by the Town Board for parts of sections 24 and 25 was heard at the St. Louis County Planning Commission meeting and the Commission recommended to the County Board to approve the zoning change. d) The Town Board has been advised by the Minnesota Association of Townships Attorneys to pass resolutions regarding conflict of interest in order for the town supervisors to be able to do work for the township other than the usual board supervisor duties. This will be on the agenda for the June meeting when there will be all three supervisors present. NEW BUSINESS: a) The roadside mower is in need of repair. The board will contact Jim Johnson about repairing the mower. MOTION by Gajewski, seconded by Stromlund and carried to spend up to $1,000 to fix the roadside mower. b)The Board discussed hiring extra help for roadside brushing and various summer grounds keeping duties. MOTION by Gajewski, seconded by Stromlund and carried to hire summer employees as needed. MOTION by Gajewski, seconded by Stromlund and carried to adjourn tonight’s meeting after the board completes signing checks. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. |